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A Framework for Audit Quality

Consultation Paper
| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
Comments due by:

The IAASB has undertaken to develop a Framework for Audit Quality that describes the input and output factors that contribute to audit quality at the engagement, audit firm and national levels. The Framework also demonstrates the importance of appropriate interactions among stakeholders and the importance of various contextual factors. The IAASB seeks comments in response to a number of questions included in the consultation paper. The At a Glance publication provides an overview of the consultation paper.

Copyright © 2025 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.

Submitted Comment Letters

  1. Baker Tilly (779.54 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  2. FEE (75.71 KB)
  3. EFAA (284.05 KB)
  4.  (Canada)
  5. Eumedion (123.28 KB)
  6. Audit Scotland (76.87 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  7.  (United Kingdom)
  8. Hermes (79.24 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  9.  (Brazil)
  10.  (Malaysia)
  11.  (Ireland)
  12.  (Australia)
  13.  (United Kingdom)
  14.  (Germany)
  15.  (Sweden)
  16.  (United Kingdom)
  17.  (Ireland)
  18. ICPAS (953.64 KB)
  19.  (France)
  20.  (Canada)
  21. EAIG (369.95 KB)
     (Europe & Central Asia)
  22. NBA (37.85 KB)
  23. IRBA (564.21 KB)
     (South Africa)
  24. IOSCO (246.25 KB)
     (United States of America)
  25.  (United States of America)
  26.  (Malaysia)