Discussion Paper, Audits of Less Complex Entities
The IAASB seeks to further understand the challenges of using ISAs in audits of less complex entities—and views about possible actions to address these challenges. It recognizes the global call for action to address issues of complexity, length, understandability, scalability, and proportionality related to using the International Standards on Auditing. Continuing the debate on these strategic issues, this Discussion Paper explores how the IAASB, and others, could further support auditors working in increasingly evolving environments.
**Due to upcoming website maintenance, we will not be able to accept any comment letters online from September 27 to until the week commencing October 7. During this time, please email your comment letter directly to KalinaShukarova@iaasb.org.**

Submitted Comment Letters
Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (1.83 MB)(Uganda)
South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA) (330.46 KB)()
HLB International (2.15 MB)()
Nordic Federation of Public Accountants (223.9 KB)()
Institut des Experts-comptables et des Conseils Fiscaux – Instituut Van de Accountants en de Belastingconsulenten (708.22 KB)(Belgium)
BDO (191.17 KB)(United Kingdom)
Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes (CNCC) and Conseil Supérieur de l'Ordre des Experts-Comptables (CSOEC) (387.17 KB)()
Grant Thornton International Limited (493.8 KB)()
South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (815.75 KB)(South Africa)
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (2.53 MB)(Pakistan)
RSM International Limited (392.38 KB)()
Chartered Accountants Academy (191.69 KB)(Zimbabwe)
PKF International (286.57 KB)()
CPA Ireland (295.73 KB)(Ireland)
KPMG IFRG Limited (842.03 KB)()
Alla Ejova (89.87 KB)(Russian Federation)
Baker Tilly International (284.57 KB)()
Conselho Federal de Contabilidade - CFC (516.79 KB)(Brazil)
U.S. Government Accountability Office (147.49 KB)(United States of America)
Asociación Interamericana de Contabilidad (346.02 KB)()
Vera Massarygina (93.01 KB)(Russian Federation)
CPA Australia (191.52 KB)()
Hunter College (252.82 KB)(United States of America)
IFAC - SMPC (61.54 KB)()
Moore Global (120.7 KB)()
TURMOB (2.12 MB)(Türkiye)
Shahedan (1.65 MB)()
IBRACON (188.82 KB)(Brazil)
FACPCE (73.81 KB)(Argentina)
PKF South Africa (477.8 KB)(South Africa)
Canadian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (329.16 KB)()
Accountancy Europe (5.52 MB)()
PwC (431.42 KB)()
Royal Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants (190.78 KB)(Netherlands)
Crowe Global (199.86 KB)()
Raymand & Co. (41.16 KB)(Iran)
IFIAR (172.67 KB)()
Czech Republic Public Audit Oversight Board (191.64 KB)()
Committee of European Auditing Oversight Bodies (1.28 MB)()
Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) (198.09 KB)(Australia)
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (422.61 KB)(Sri Lanka)
Cristian Munarriz (137.52 KB)()