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Integrated Project – Risk Response Workstream

What the Project Aims to Achieve

The Risk Response Workstream addresses the ‘performance’ aspects relating to the design and performance of further audit procedures responsive to assessed risks of material misstatement to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence in ISA 330, The Auditor’s Responses to Assessed Risks, and potentially ISA 520, Analytical Procedures. The Risk Response Workstream forms, together with the Audit Evidence Workstream, part of the IAASB’s Integrated Project on Audit Evidence and Risk Response. The Audit Evidence Workstream addresses the ‘reference framework’ aspects relating to judgments about sufficient appropriate audit evidence in ISA 500, Audit Evidence.  See the Audit Evidence Workstream’s project page for more information.

The Risk Response Workstream builds on the work undertaken to revise ISA 500 and is informed by the IAASB’s position on addressing the impact of technology in the IAASB’s standards. In particular, the project will focus on the impact and use of technology in obtaining and evaluating audit evidence, and on the auditor’s work effort relating to an entity’s internal control, including internal control testing.

Project Timeline

The following table sets out the project timeline. Please note that these are current targeted milestones may change as the work progresses.

Current Status of the Project

Refer to the IAASB's "Latest on Our Projects" page for the latest status of the Risk Response Workstream.     

IAASB Staff Contacts

Focus Group Members

Project Stages


Board Deliberations

Board Minutes