Sripriya Kumar
IAASB Technical Advisor for Vishal Doshi
Sripriya Kumar brings over 25 years of experience in Risk Advisory Services in addition to her experiences as a partner of SPR & Co, Chartered Accountants where Priya has advised large clients across a variety of industry domains both in India and abroad.
She presently serves as an Independent Director on the Board of Sundaram Finance Holdings Limited in addition to Directorships in ICAI Accounting Research Foundation and the Indian Institute of Insolvency Professionals of ICAI which have been promoted by ICAI. In addition to her professional role, Priya also presently serves as an elected member on the Central Council of the ICAI (2022-25 and earlier in 2016-19), the apex body that is in charge of the affairs of the Institute.
Priya holds a graduated B.Com from The Ethiraj College for Women and is a registered CA with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.